Marriott Organizational Structure Overview

By John Dudovskiy
October 22, 2023

Marriott organizational structure had to change significantly with new executive appointments early in 2023. Following the departure of company’s president Stephanie Linnartz to become president and CEO of Baltimore-based sports equipment company Under Armour, Anthony Capuano became Marriott’s President and CEO[1].

Marriott International has a hybrid organizational structure that combines elements of both a matrix and functional structure. The company’s matrix structure is evident in the combination of functional and divisional configurations. Marriott has functional divisions such as marketing, sales, and operations, but it also has divisional units organized by geographic region. This allows the largest hotel chain in the world to achieve both global uniformity and local diversification and responsiveness.

Marriott Organizational Structure

Marriott Organizational Structure


The matrix structure works in conjunction with a regional structure, with each region having its own functional divisions. For example, the Greater China region has its own marketing, sales, and operations divisions. This allows Marriott to tailor its operations to the specific needs of each region.

Marriott’s organizational structure is also characterized by a high degree of centralization. The company’s CEO and executive team have a significant amount of authority over decision-making. This centralization allows Marriott to maintain a consistent brand image and service quality across all of its properties.

Marriott International’s hybrid organizational structure has several advantages. The matrix structure allows the company to achieve both global uniformity and local diversification and responsiveness. The regional structure allows the hotel chain to tailor its operations to the specific needs of each region. The centralization of authority allows the company to maintain a consistent brand image and service quality across all of its properties.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages to Marriott organizational structure. The matrix structure can be complex and time-consuming, and it can lead to conflict between functional and divisional units. The centralization of authority can stifle innovation and creativity.

Overall, Marriott International’s organizational structure is well-suited to its business needs. The company’s hybrid structure allows it to achieve both global uniformity and local diversification and responsiveness, and it also allows the company to maintain a consistent brand image and service quality across all of its properties.

Marriott International Inc. Report contains the above analysis of Marriott organizational structure. The report illustrates the application of the major analytical strategic frameworks in business studies such as SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain analysis, Ansoff Matrix and McKinsey 7S Model on Marriott. Moreover, the report contains analyses of Marriott leadership, business strategy and organizational culture. The report also comprises discussions of Marriott marketing strategy, ecosystem and addresses issues of corporate social responsibility.

Marriott International Inc. Report

[1] Nandi, K. (2023) “MARRIOTT RESHAPES ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE” Hotels, Available at:

Category: Management